It’s no secret that I am a list keeper, journal writer, and avid reader.  How I manage to do all three is a question I am not sure I can answer.  I guess you have to decide how much you want to make time for it, and if it brings you joy, aka “Marie Kondo.”

So here we are. The beginning of April.  The first three months are now gone, and it’s time to check your lists.  How’s it going?  Are you meeting the goals you have set before you?  Do you see the answers to your prayers?  Are you walking towards your dreams and visions?  Are you checking off your to-do list?

 If you are not doing any of these things, why?  

As I contemplate on where I am this far, I have to say I am amazed.  And I love being amazed.  It brings me joy, peace, and creates great anticipation.  If you follow my blogs, you know that 2019 is my YEAR OF MIRACLES. And never really knowing what and how that is going to unfold, I just walk in obedience and in great expectation. I have witnessed the miracle of finding a new home in less than a month, I have witnessed the miracle of a dear friend walking towards his healing, and I have witnessed the reconciliation of a son to his family.  I have also witnessed the loss of someone truly special and the unexpected news of sibling suffering a sudden health crisis.

And it’s only been three months!!!  

Neither of those items I mentioned was on my “three-month” goal list, well, maybe one or two were, but in the bigger picture, they weren’t. I have learned that though I make up my list, I must leave room for the unexpected line items that make their way onto my list. I will continue to review my list of to-dos for this year, leaving room for God to insert HIS list for my life.  Leaving room for the unexpected and the answer to prayers that I have prayed over and over.

So as you sit and look over your list of dreams to be fulfilled this year, skip a line between your to-do list.  Leave a blank space for a miracle to happen and for the unexpected line items.  In that space may be the answer to your dreams.  It will come in ways that we never expect but always as it should be.


Don’t be discouraged if your list is not being checked off as you’d like.  The delay is sometimes the answer.  

‘Til Tuesday

-Annette Ortiz Mata

One response to “Three months later…how’s it going?”

  1. griggsfam4 Avatar

    This is a great approach. I have never thought about leaving a blank line for a miracle! Love the positive spin!! Xoxo Thank you!

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