This week it happened to me!

At the beginning of every year, I write my heart’s desire, goals for myself for that particular year.

This year was no different.

The year of New came with A LOT of new.

Some wished for and others definitely not asked for, yet it was all new.

I still had some unanswered desires and unchecked goals.

As life would have it one of my desires came to me, but it wasn’t as I planned it or envisioned.

It just wasn’t packaged as expected but it was on my goal’s list.

So there it was, right before me, I gave myself a million excuses as to why it wasn’t attainable and quite frankly undesirable.

It wasn’t on my timeline and under my control.

I couldn’t control it.

To be perfectly honest I cried.  I was angry, frustrated and downright depressed over something I had prayed for. 

What was wrong with me?

I was crying over something I wanted, but didn’t like?

How did that make any sense?

Thank goodness for girlfriends who quickly and honestly broke it down. Girlfriends that know your heart and mind and can speak into something that is not right in us!

I checked myself after I was checked.  I realized it was an answered prayer and part of the packaging was the answer, and in my frustration, I couldn’t see that.

The packaging was the answer, it was the gift, it was the goal to be checked.

I sat still and cried. Humbled by my ignorance.  Not seeing the full picture.

I realized I was getting in my own way of accepting an answer to a prayer that was not perfectly packaged.

I took a breath, slowed down, sat still and listened.

Why was I obsessed with getting my way.  Did I know better?  Was my way the perfect way? Nope, I was wrong.  The answered prayer came God’s way.  His perfect timing. His ideal packaging.

I had to let go, open the package and receive and accept the beautiful gift that was always intended for me and I checked off another goal, another heart’s desire before the year of new ended.  That process in itself was new, and I am thankful that I was able to accept it.


Remember the greatest blessing is completely disguised. 

“Til Tuesday

One response to “When what you pray for comes packaged differently? ​What do you do?”

  1. Ninalou Avatar

    Thanks for the helping to be aware that what I may be praying for could look different then what I might think, prayed that the Holy Spirit would help me not to miss out or over look something that could be exactly and probably better then what I could of imagined!

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