We met 25 years ago.  I was broken, and he was whole.  We married and built a life together that was nothing but unconventional.

Through it all he is consistent.  

His character is consistent

His temper is consistent

His commitment to our family is consistent

When we met, I lived in New York City, and he lived in Los Angeles.  Many questioned our relationship, and it’s authenticity.  They were concerned that he could be lying to me, but I chose to believe him.  I chose to accept his word.

As we honored his father’s memory, I sat in agreement with every accolade bestowed upon Lyle.  It was not lip-service for the simple memorializing the man. You see I married the son he raised.

  I am the recipient of the measure of this man they were speaking of.

Love has a way of revealing who we are.  How we choose to love. Who we choose to love. What we choose to love. Lyle loved his family and serving and people.

Robert is not perfect.  We have had our moments of reckoning, but he has had the example of love. Choosing love.  Choosing God. Choosing his family.  Choosing me.

What is the measure of the man?  It’s often the reflection of the man or woman who raised him.  

Choose wisely how you live and who you live for.  Choose your friends wisely. Choose God. Choose love. It will reflect on everything you do.

I live with the beauty of the Measure of a Man that choose to love, and for that I am thankful. We all have the choice to be better whether we had the example of love or not. We must all return to love.


Look around you, what have you chosen. What have you embraced?  Who have you chosen to love? Remember to love the things that can love you back!

“Til Tuesday

2 responses to “The Measure of a Man”

  1. NInalou Risolio Avatar
    NInalou Risolio

    Beautifully said, the experience for me WOW – Lyle Mata was still touching/teaching people Saturday, it left me wondering if I touch people-He lived the word that we are to “be living epistle read by men and woman”! When he left a blessing to be spoken to his grandchildren it blew me away, speaking life to the next generation – when he told them to “pick good friends”, I never thought about that until years ago when I worked with a youth group and Pastor Scott a guest speaker said “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” that opened me up as an adult to really grab hold of that profound statement and help me see why with out direction I had squandered so much of my youth and it still applies as an adult but with that truth and again a reminder from Lyle Mata that we always need to keep the right company to stay on track. Thanks for your love and support with this site! Blessings and Love.

    1. SOWE Avatar

      Hi Ninalou, Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for attending the memorial. I am so sorry that I did not get to hug you! Thank you for always reading and supporting me.

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